Monday, September 15, 2014

Book of Mormon, Gold Plates, Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith.

What is the Book of Mormon About?
Surprisingly, the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, is not about Joseph Smith, it
is about Jesus Christ.  It is another testament of the Savior's visit to the Western Hemisphere.  Prior to the Saviors birth,God allowed many peoples to know of him. Though he lived in Jerusalem, and his birth was known and prophesied of the Jews, it was also known to other peoples that God loves and cares about.

What does it Talk About?
 It talks about different sets of peoples, and their arrivals and spiritual history, following both Kings and Judges in the land of the American Continent. The many groups of peoples are known as Nephites and Lamanites but it also referances other groups of peoples such as as the Jaredites and Mulikites and others.

When does it take place?
 It begins with an Old Testament prophet named Lehi, a contempary of the prophet Jeremiah,  who was testifying just prior to the Old Testament Jerusalem being taken captive into Babylon at the time of king Zedikiah. Lehi recorded events taking place on the American Continent  beginning around 600BC.  The record ends about 421AD. However, records are also referred to within it's pages about other groups on the continent some long before Lehi and his families arrival, one in particular of which is called the Jaredites, who left during the time of the Tower of Babel.

Why is it called the Book of Mormon?
It's full title is "The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ". Mormon was a prophet, the last known prophet of the peoples on the American Continent.  Like old testament prophets and kings, records were kept.  Mormon abridged all of these records into a book.  Each of the chapters in the Book of Mormon are named after Prophets who kept the records.  The chapters of the Book of Mormon, though abridged by Mormon, were written by Ancient Prophets.

Why Should I Read it?
The Book of Mormon along with the Bible help us have a clear picture to who Jesus Christ and his Father are.  The Bible, though insightful, is full of many events that take place which happen because God is trying to help people to turn to him, and most of the time, throughout the Old Testament, they do not. Though there are many peoples in the Book of Mormon who also are in need of repentance, and the destruction of people because of unrighteousness eventually ends the Book of Mormon record, we get an insightful and better understanding of God and his love for those who are righteous, because of much of the righteousness of the peoples that recorded in it's content.  It can be utilized, along with the Bible to gain insight as to God, his true character and His Son Jesus Christ and their unfaltering and unyielding love for each of us.

What are the Gold Plates and Joseph Smith?
Joseph Smith, while calling upon God in prayer, was visited by an Angel, the Ancient Prophet For detailed info on translation click here.
Book of Mormon Stories
art by Jerry Thompson
Mormon, Mormon Told him of a Book, deposited in a rock, under a hill.  The account that Mormon had abridged.  Mormon instructed Joseph about the record and that it  gave the account of the former inhabitants of the American Continent. He was able to obtain the record and translate them. Through a means introduced to us in the Bible in many places Ex 28:30,  Lev 8:8, as well as Num 27:21, Deu 33:8 and many others. This means, This means, called Interpreters or Stones in the Book of Mormon Alma 37:21, Ether 3:23 were sealed up in the hill along with the record by the prophet Mormon. The record was written on plates of Gold, that is why they are often refereanced as the Golden Plates.  They lay hitten, deep in a hill,  under stone and in a  stone box, until God found a faithful servenat here in America, in whom He could confide.

What New insight does it Give us on Jesus?
And he Healed Them
Artist Gary Kapp
It helps us to know that many knew of him.  It gives us the added insight of Jesus's teachings to a different group of people, it also helps us see consistency and congruity in the gospels of the Holy Bible. The Bible and along with the Book of Mormon are a stronger witness of the truthfulness of Jesus's teachings.  Jesus called 12 apostles in the Old World as well as on the Americas. I personally love the teachings of Jesus and the healing of Children in the book of Mormon, and the tears he shed for them recorded in  3 Nephi 17 It helps me to see the great love Jesus has for  each of us.  The Holy Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:34., He cares for all of his people, everywhere.  It makes perfect sense that Our Father in Heaven would teach others of his Son Jesus, of Jesus's arrival to Earth and of his teachings to all men women and children.

Does The Holy Bible talk about the Book of Mormon?
Yes! The Holy Bible does talk about the book of Mormon, in many places it references it, but interpretations are often miss understood.  I will give you 3 different witnesse as should be the case according to Matthew 18:16Ezekiel 37:15 - 24 tells us of "sticks", meaning scrolls, It brings all people under the title of one title though in two lands, it references David as a father, and one King (Jesus Christ) being the King of them all.  Looking at the entire chapter of Ezekiel 37 gives great insight, the first entries speak of bones, that talk (meaning people, long burred, testifying through ancient records.) It talks of bones coming together and breath in them. wind and prophesy. These records are contained in the Book of Moromon and in the Holy Bible.  Isaiah 29:4, 11-12 The story of the History of the Lost Manuscripts of the Book of Mormon helps establish this prophecies fulfillment. also, Jesus spoke of Other Sheep, who would hear his voice and he would bring into the fold John 10:16 The book of Mormon teaches us that the Jews believed this to be the Gentiles but Jesus book of Mormon Peoples he was speaking of them. 3 Nephi 15:21-22.

How Can I know if the Record of the Book of Mormon is True?
You can Read it and ask God, the giver of all truth, if this record about Jesus is a true record from Him.  And, as the Book of Mormon Prophet Mormon states, after reading. .."IF you ask with real intent, having faith in Jesus Christ, he will manifest the truthfulness of it unto you,  By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." John 16:3.

To have a Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ delivered to you Click Here.
If you do not have a Holy Bible,  you can also request a King James Version here as well.

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